I'm doing Shakespeare this term in English. Of course, Romeo and Juliet! How cool! Actually, I started some time ago. Two words: Lovin' it. I started out pretty roughly thou by failing my Shakespeare (still having a hard time spelling the name) quest. It's not as if I actually work on those kinds of homework! But when it comes to acting and analysing, damne! Especially the acting part. I have to learn 30 lines in one of Juliet's speech and act it in front of the whole class. I really learned to like Juliet and learned who she really is, not just some girly, witless girl that I've seen in the Zefferelli's version of Romeo and Juliet. No offence, but I really didn't like that version. The newer one with Dicaprio is genius because it interpretes the emotions and the story with so much truth and realism that fits to our modern situation without mutilating the original plot. So, I'm hoping to make Juliet the strong, smart, witty young teenager that I know her to be. Hmmm...
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